Thursday, 13 February 2014

Potato Print Valentines Card

Today myself & the wee'un got into the crafty mood - it may have been the sunshine!

We had just finished a box of cereal & rather than put the box into recycling I decided to open it up & use it constructively. I had planned to let Judy do a bit of potato printing. I have never done this before - but how hard could it be? I also went to the cupboard & discovered I only had salad potatoes... not exactly large, but what the hell they would do!

Using a small but sharp kitchen knife I cut a heart into the potato half. It was far easier than I thought. It's not perfect but this is potato printing so give it a go even if you don't consider yourself creative.

Mixing just some red & white into an old take away pot I mixed the colours in the middle to create different shades from light pink to red. After a few examples Judy was excited to give it a go, with her little concentration face! A little while into it she got a little bored & wanted either a new colour or a new challenge so she had a go with a paintbrush pretending to write to my dictation "To Daddy, Happy Valentines, Love Judy x"

After that she went back to the potato happily stamping away.

It was super duper easy so I can't wait to play with this again. I can try my hand at carving more intricate designs into the potato & Judy can have a go with a wider colour palette. Sometimes Mummy is too 'designery'
I let the paint dry & then using a steel rule & stanley knife (although ordinary scissors would do) I cropped a cute bit out ready for Valentines tomorrow. 

Daddy will have a nice surprise in the morning with this & the flapjacks we made him. :)

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Sew Project | Mr Rabbit

Last year, Judy's cousin was to have a Halloween themed 7th birthday party complete with fireworks! I decided to go crazy & make Judy’s outfit for the occasion. After pondering I decided that first & foremost I wanted her to be comfy not to be wrapped up in itchy netting. I decided to base it around a plain white sleepsuit as we have a few of these handy and how much more cosy can you get? So that was it - Mr Rabbit from Alice in Wonderland!
Image from

How hard would it be to make a tuxedo tailed jacket for a 6 month old? Having taken a beginners 6 week course in Dressmaking back when I was 16 I had to call on some ancient skills - or lack there of! And even make the pattern with baking parchment! Oh dear! The make list was the jacket, a pompom bunny tail, a papier mache pocket watch & bunny ears.
As I am still scared to dig out my sewing machine (I panic & tend to ram my foot on pedal!)- again it was all hand stitched! I initially traced around a babygro to get the right size & cut the shapes out of an old pair of trousers. I’m not as ashamed as I should be about saying the rest was guess work. Trying it on Judy every now & then to ensure the fit
The bunny ears were a bit of a task. But card, masking tape, an old chiffon scarf I got free with a magazine and perserverence ensured the ears stayed upright.
Judy seems to love being dressed as Mr Rabbit! 

Saturday, 24 August 2013

Clarks Magic Steps Advert

Who remembers the Magic Steps collection for Clarks? The shoes with the 'secret' key on the bottom?

More importantly who remembers the advert for Magic Steps? Oh! The wonderment, the magic, the fairytale! The princess was up for adventure & wasn't scared off by the threat of the evil witch. She wasn't frightened of mud & the unknown in the forest! Yeeharr!

Luckily this collection of shoes came out just before my holy communion  & purely on this advert I managed to convince my mum to get me a white pair for my special day. T Bars with the circular crystal in the toe & the magic key in the heel. I think I even got a toy key in the box! (Squeal). Unfortunately my mother, afraid I would scuff them at school afterwards, instructed my dad to polish them black (This would only happen in the 80s). He covered the crystal with the polish & alas the magic was gone. Heartbroken.